Giving & Receiving Feedback

Giving & Receiving Feedback.

Employees are 3.6x more motivated with regular feedback.

Help your people manage defensiveness and build confidence in feedback.




1.5 hour workshop

Online or in person

This engaging session gives practical tips to manage defensiveness and plan for a feedback conversation.

Half day workshop

Online or in person

This half day session is excellent for team building, allowing everyone to practice feedback conversations.

Full day workshop


This full day session builds a culture of feedback with practical tools to increase psychological safety and trust.



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Simple, effective tips.
Really practical and useful.

Training includes

Online or in person. You choose.

No max attendees. You decide how many people to impact.

Personalisation. We tailor our frameworks to your context.

eBook resource. The Essential Guide to Feedback.

Online course. Revisit ideas online, after training.

Marketing materials. Promote your training, with our guides.

Feedback. Feedback in your inbox, 48 hours after each workshop.

Impact report. Share the impact with a summary PDF.